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In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful


The Islamic Cultural Center "Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd in Argentina" is a clear example of the constant effort to present Arab culture and Islamic civilization, building strong bridges of dialogue that promote understanding and cooperation for peace and common good, through what God (The Almighty) says in the Quran: "Oh mankind! We created you from a man [Adam] and a woman [Eve], and [from their offspring] We made you into nations and tribes so that you may know each other. Indeed, the most honorable of you before God is the most merciful ... ".
("The Chambers" verse 13)




The Islamic Cultural Center "Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd in Argentina" is considered the largest Islamic Cultural Center in Latin America.

The idea of its construction began to take shape in the late seventies, when the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia opened its Embassy in the Argentina's capital.


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Prayer Times



Find out here the Prayer's schedule of this month.

Iqama's Schedule.


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The Islamic Cultural Center is located in the Palermo neighborhood, one of the most distinguished of Argentina's capital, and is limited by three major avenues that are: Bullrich, Cervino and Libertador.

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Bullrich Ave. 55 (with Cerviño)
Ciudad Autónoma
de Buenos Aires

CP 1425

Tel: 05411-4899-1144/0201
Fax: 05411-4899-0960
Email: info@cciar.com